Enola Holmes (2020)
PG-13 ‧ Adventure, Crime, Drama ‧ 2h 3m
Directed by Harry Bradbeer
Screenplay by Jack Thorne
Based on the book “The Case of the Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery” by Nancy Springer
Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Helena Bonham Carter, Sam Clafliny Brown
(In their own words) When Enola Holmes-Sherlock’s teen sister-discovers her mother missing, she sets off to find her, becoming a super-sleuth in her own right as she outwits her famous brother and unravels a dangerous conspiracy around a mysterious young Lord.
An absolute delight. That really is the best way I can describe this film. It’s fast-paced, witty, interesting, beautifully shot, and filled with fine performances throughout. Starring Millie Bobby Brown from Stranger Things fame as the title role, Enola is a young woman coming to age in a world where men are in charge of her life, despite being raised by her mother who taught her life skills that she can use to survive on her own. When her Mother disappears one day, her famous brother Sherlock and her oldest brother Mycroft come to investigate and look out for her. Elona begins her journey to find her mother as well as a secondary journey of finding herself.
The story is told through a series of flashbacks of past lessons from the Mother Holmes (played by Helena Bonham Carter) as Enola discovers more clues to her mother’s whereabouts, she brings the audience along on her journey by literally breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to the camera. This is a kind of thing that will usually bother me, but it was wonderful in this film. Brown does a fantastic job in the role and especially at talking to the audience and making us feel included. She plays this spirited character quiet well and seems to be the perfect fit to play Sherlock’s sister. Sherlock Holmes is played by Henry Cavill who really delivers a surprisingly interesting performance.
The film is ultimately a mystery, so I don’t even want to say anything too specific because the script is pretty multilayered and I don’t want to ruin the surprises for you. I will say that this movie felt like it flew by and I couldn’t believe two hours had passed. It’s shot beautifully and I can’t remember another film in a long time that made me feel like I was part of the action. It’s a film you surely want to see whether you are looking to see a different take on a Sherlock Holmes world building or you just want to discover a new young female sleuth.
Three BEST things about the film
1. It’s a really fun film.
2. The presentation of the story is done in a really interesting way.
3. Does a fantastic job breaking the 4th wall.
The three WORST things about the Film
1. Some of the mystery solving isn’t fair. There’s no way we would know some of the things that they figure out.
2. There’s quite a few anachronisms with behavior, but honestly, I’m not someone who cares about minor things like that. But I know people who will be bothered by it.
3. I didn’t find the objectives and goals of Mycroft Holms, Enola’s brother, to be very realistic. Just didn’t think that relationship made sense, but I think they needed a foil there and made him one.
I’m reminded of the old saying “Well behaved women rarely make history.
This fast-paced romp through England with Sherlock Holmes’ unknown sister will make you look forward to her further adventures even before the film ends.
My 3L system gives me the choice for each film of Love It, Like It, or Lose it.
This film gets from me……Love It.
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