Comedian and author Amos Mack joined Samantha and Silas to discuss his new Children’s Book “Why Daddy Can’t Count To Ten”.
Seattle based Comedian Robert Pidde stopped by to talk with Samantha Rund and Silas Lindenstein about his new comedy album. they also chatted about weighted blankets, the PS5 resale controversy, and the Biden cabinet selections. They also chatted about Robert’s origins into comedy and he answered the Black & A Half World Famous Seven Questions.
This week’s episode Monica Nevi, PNW based comedian, dropped in to discuss her new comedy album & her new meditation album that are coming out this December. They discuss Dave Chapelle’s recent SNL appearance, what they all desire in the craft of comedy, meditation, Monica’s origin story, and Monica answer’s the World Famous 7 Questions.
Comedian Dewa Dorje dropped in to talk about Donald Ducking, Tibetan Erotica, and saying enough is enough and following your dream. We here her origin story and answers the world famous 7 questions.
Ways to support Black & A Half!!!
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This episode is brought to you by Silas Lindenstein at Skyline Properties. If you are in the Seattle area and looking to buy or sell a home. Email Silas at Silas@SilasGetsReal.com or text him at 206-351-9230.
If you are out of the Seattle area but looking to buy or sell a home, you can also support Black & A Half by getting a real estate referral partner from Silas. Email him for more info.
Beyond Technique Coaching by Samantha Rund.
Samantha is an actor, comedian, and coach who has performed on stage and screen across the country. Recently, she can be seen on 3 Busy Debras on Adult Swim. She is passionate about enriching and empowering people’s lives through the arts. Her coaching business Beyond Technique Coaching uses performance principles to help people bring more of their whole selves ( voice, body, and mind) to their lives and work. www.samantharund.com
Check out her latest coaching video here.
Ways to support Black & A Half!!!
Please give us a 5 star rating and review & subscribe to us on iTunes!
Become a supporter on Patreon for a small monthly donation: www.Patreon.com/blackandahalf
This episode is brought to you by Silas Lindenstein at Skyline Properties. If you are in the Seattle area and looking to buy or sell a home. Email Silas at Silas@SilasGetsReal.com or text him at 206-351-9230.
If you are out of the Seattle area but looking to buy or sell a home, you can also support Black & A Half by getting a real estate referral partner from Silas. Email him for more info.
Beyond Technique Coaching by Samantha Rund.
Samantha is an actor, comedian, and coach who has performed on stage and screen across the country. Recently, she can be seen on 3 Busy Debras on Adult Swim. She is passionate about enriching and empowering people’s lives through the arts. Her coaching business Beyond Technique Coaching uses performance principles to help people bring more of their whole selves ( voice, body, and mind) to their lives and work. www.samantharund.com
Check out her latest coaching video here.
Comedian Jeff Horste joins the show to talk with Samantha and Silas about his new dedication during Covid, Hot Topics including; Is getting more money to be unemployed bad? Are community bubbles the future? and the new Nike Ad that is moving the country. Silas reviews the new Netflix film Seriously Single. Jeff tells us his origin story and he answers the 7 questions.
Ways to support Black & A Half!!!
Please give us a 5 star rating and review & subscribe to us on iTunes!
Become a supporter on Patreon for a small monthly donation: www.Patreon.com/blackandahalf
This episode is brought to you by Silas Lindenstein at Skyline Properties. If you are in the Seattle area and looking to buy or sell a home. Email Silas at Silas@SilasGetsReal.com or text him at 206-351-9230.
If you are out of the Seattle area but looking to buy or sell a home, you can also support Black & A Half by getting a real estate referral partner from Silas. Email him for more info.
Beyond Technique Coaching by Samantha Rund.
Samantha is an actor, comedian, and coach who has performed on stage and screen across the country. Recently, she can be seen on 3 Busy Debras on Adult Swim. She is passionate about enriching and empowering people’s lives through the arts. Her coaching business Beyond Technique Coaching uses performance principles to help people bring more of their whole selves ( voice, body, and mind) to their lives and work. www.samantharund.com
Check out her latest coaching video here.
Streamer and comedian Jessi Milestone joins Samantha & Silas to talk hot topics including baseball players catching COVID, Biden getting ready to choose his running mate, an unexpected discussion of Israel, and a brief look at the Emmy Nominees, and Silas reviews two films; My Spy and Banana Split. Jessi answers the 7 questions.
Ways to support Black & A Half!!!
Please give us a 5 star rating and review & subscribe to us on iTunes!
Become a supporter on Patreon for a small monthly donation: www.Patreon.com/blackandahalf
This episode is brought to you by Silas Lindenstein at Skyline Properties. If you are in the Seattle area and looking to buy or sell a home. Email Silas at Silas@SilasGetsReal.com or text him at 206-351-9230.
If you are out of the Seattle area but looking to buy or sell a home, you can also support Black & A Half by getting a real estate referral partner from Silas. Email him for more info.
Beyond Technique Coaching by Samantha Rund.
Samantha is an actor, comedian, and coach who has performed on stage and screen across the country. Recently, she can be seen on 3 Busy Debras on Adult Swim. She is passionate about enriching and empowering people’s lives through the arts. Her coaching business Beyond Technique Coaching uses performance principles to help people bring more of their whole selves ( voice, body, and mind) to their lives and work. www.samantharund.com
Check out her latest coaching video here.
On this week’s episode, comic Erin Ingles drops in with Silas and Samantha and they discuss; raspberries, the end of Black Friday, the USA being banned from traveling Europe, and the recently released musical on Disney + – Hamilton! Silas reads his favorite post of the week and makes his weekly streaming suggestion. Then they get into Erin’s origin story into comedy and she answers The Seven Questions.
Ways to support Black & A Half!!!
Please give us a 5 star rating and review & subscribe to us on iTunes!
Become a supporter on Patreon for a small monthly donation: www.Patreon.com/blackandahalf
This episode is brought to you by Silas Lindenstein at Skyline Properties. If you are in the Seattle area and looking to buy or sell a home. Email Silas at Silas@SilasGetsReal.com or text him at 206-351-9230.
If you are out of the Seattle area but looking to buy or sell a home, you can also support Black & A Half by getting a real estate referral partner from Silas. Email him for more info.
Beyond Technique Coaching by Samantha Rund.
Samantha is an actor, comedian, and coach who has performed on stage and screen across the country. Recently, she can be seen on 3 Busy Debras on Adult Swim. She is passionate about enriching and empowering people’s lives through the arts. Her coaching business Beyond Technique Coaching uses performance principles to help people bring more of their whole selves ( voice, body, and mind) to their lives and work. www.samantharund.com
Check out her latest coaching video at: https://youtu.be/Rk-ie-sJqII
This week, comedian Mike Devore stops by to talk to Silas and Samantha about neighbors, the effects of change on the brain, and hot topics including; the Disneyland changes to Splash Mount, Bubba Wallace, Sacha Baron Cohen’s recent pranks, Nerd News, streaming television & movie picks of the week. Plus Mike answers the 7 questions.
Ways to support Black & A Half!!!
Please give us a 5 star rating and review & subscribe to us on iTunes!
Become a supporter on Patreon for a small monthly donation: www.Patreon.com/blackandahalf
This episode is brought to you by Silas Lindenstein at Skyline Properties. If you are in the Seattle area and looking to buy or sell a home. Email Silas at Silas@SilasGetsReal.com or text him at 206-351-9230.
If you are out of the Seattle area but looking to buy or sell a home, you can also support Black & A Half by getting a real estate referral partner from Silas. Email him for more info.
Beyond Technique Coaching by Samantha Rund.
Samantha is an actor, comedian, and coach who has performed on stage and screen across the country. Recently, she can be seen on 3 Busy Debras on Adult Swim. She is passionate about enriching and empowering people’s lives through the arts. Her coaching business Beyond Technique Coaching uses performance principles to help people bring more of their whole selves ( voice, body, and mind) to their lives and work. www.samantharund.com
Check out her latest coaching video at: https://youtu.be/Rk-ie-sJqII
Silas Lindenstein, Nicole Santora, & Samantha Rund celebrate the 100th episode and talk about conspiracies and what they imagine life after COVID will be like.
Ways to support Black & A Half!!!
Please give us a 5 star rating and review & subscribe to us on iTunes!
Become a supporter on Patreon for a small monthly donation: www.Patreon.com/blackandahalf
This episode is brought to you by Silas Lindenstein at Skyline Properties. If you are in the Seattle area and looking to buy or sell a home. Email Silas at Silas@SilasGetsReal.com or text him at 206-351-9230.
If you are out of the Seattle area but looking to buy or sell a home, you can also support Black & A Half by getting a real estate referral partner from Silas. Email him for more info.